It has been just over a year and look where we are! FIRST: A MESSAGE FROM THE BOSS:As you know Andy Welch is not a man of many words. But I managed to eke these out of him. A very successful first year for the club with much diverse shooting to offer all of us. Renewals of membership was very good, only loosing a couple of folk. The Calendar for 2020 is starting to fill out with plenty for everyone. Thanks for your support and continue to shoot straight. Have a good Christmas and see you all on the range next year starting at Orion in January. Andy MORE LONG RANGE SHOOTS After a fantastic shoot at Orion, we have now secured another range booking for the 24th January. This may be on the main pilgrims range or the dark side or a mixture, depending upon shooter requests. You will find the shoot calendar below with further HME dates. Gardners guns will be on the menu as a cheap HME day over the summer, as will a day at Roundhouse. If members wish to shoot, they should simply email Raf and he will book ranges. THE TCRA – NOW A REAL HOME CLUB! At our last Orion Shoot, I became fed up of shooting multiple rifles. I am moving to the modular system, and disposing of many of my modern rifles. After consultation with Andy Welch, our Chairman, we decided that rather than try to sell my .338 Lapua, I would lend it to the club for a period of two years or more. (with a Bushnell scope). It will be fully serviced by the most excellent HPS in Gloucestershire, and then stored at the same location. As the holder of the Club FAC, I will be able to draw the .338 out for Orion, Gardner’s, and any other FCSA shoots that we attend as visitors or members. Club ammunition will be available at £4.50 for the first 100 rounds and then £3.00 for all that is subsequently reloaded by HPS. HPS have tailored a load specifically for this rifle (300 grain Sierra’s with the right amount of powder) which makes it very accurate. It has always been our aim to be able to offer members a chance to shoot HME without their having to buy their own rifles. The club now has access to a 28 inch barrel 7.62mm rifle, tracer for the use in this, and the .338. At this time, we are concocting a very long range competition, that members and their friends can take part in. Please do get in touch if you want to take part. HISTORIC GLOBAL LEAGUE- RIFLE SHOOTS Members may remember that the TCRA was founded in order to formalise Historic Service Rifle shoots and some HME. After the success of our historic global postal competition (results to follow) we will be re-shooting the league. As always the longer range shoots will be changed slightly to keep them fresh, but the 200 yard “Papua New Guinea” shoot which attracted 25 shooters has been kept exactly the same to allow the South Africans and Australians to maintain continuity. The PNG shoot will be on 21st March 2020, so please put that in your diary! This year, we have bookings at 200/300/600 yards for our standard competition, and we will have a sandbagged shoot at 1000 yards to keep the long range shooters happy. We offer all Historic shoots to the members of the Lee Enfield Rifle Association as a courtesy. IMPERIAL 2021 The Lee Enfield Rifle Asssociation of Australia wish to enter the CSR imperial in 2021. As sister clubs, the TCRA will be hosting these Australians and doing all that we can to help make them feel comfortable. We will liaise with the NRA vis a vis visitors permits etc and try to make their stay as smooth as possible. HESKETH PRICHARD SNIPER CHALLENGE After the success of this year’s Hesketh Prichard shoots, we honed the shoots to make them more challenging and believe we have found a winning formula. Gone are the figure 11 targets, we now shoot on the tiny figure 14’s, in pairs, at 300/600 yards. We are going to ask the range office for a single figure 11 at 1000 yards and see if this is possible. We have three dates for HP shoots in the calendar. BASIC TRAINING: We have some new probationary members and need to impart training to these welcome guests. There is an issue of co-ordinating their time with that of club members who can impart instruction. I am looking at asking a professional instructor to come down and do a shoot with us. ADVANCED TRAINING: Richard Utting of Sharpshooting UK is a member of the TCRA and provides phenomenal training in how to read and dial distances, set a ballistic Zero and shoot accurately. His courses are not cheap, but they are worth every penny. Tiff Dew of Roundhouse Firearms runs training days, which make the PRL league more understandable. Anyone wishing further information. ARTISTS RIFLES & MARS AND MINERVA As many of you know, the Artists Rifles Clubhouse have always welcomed us to stay, have dinner and give out prizes. Moss Mustafa and his Manager MaryAnne Salisbury have shown us great hospitality. In the quiet winter months, they offer us accommodation (booked through the club) at very reasonable rates, and with Danny their new Chef, the food has become even better. (We look forward to more fresh produce). A massive main course for dinner is around £12.00 We have had a good relationship with the Mars and Minerva club, and we offer our shoot calendar to the M&M as a courtesy. M&M members are treated as members of our own. KLSM IMPERIAL CSR AND FALLING PLATES As usual, we will be doing the falling plates with my wonderful team naming. The Belfast Gamblers and the Kut el Amara historic team. Next year the TCRA will enter a historic Methuen team in conjunction with the KLSM. We enjoy splendid relations with the Kings Lynn and St Michaels Rifle club, and their members take part in our sniper and historic competitions. Let me know if you are interested. PRL SHOOTING Quite a few of our members are now shooting in the precision rifle league. This is a hugely exciting shooting on small targets on Field Fire Ranges from dynamic positions. The venues include Orion Firearms Training, Roundhouse Firearms Training, Valhalla in Scotland (Double top secret range X), and other locations yet to be decided. We thoroughly recommend this completion series and hope to see some of us on the ranges. CSR TRAINING We have booked ranges before most CSR shoots to allow for member training. It is hoped to keep these fees to £20 a head including markers. MARKING We have amazing markers and all TCRA shoots are fully marked, meaning you pay for the range and to shoot- not to pull targets. (Unless members specifically wish to do so) NEW MEMBERS We welcome Chris Buckley, Leslie Jardine and Mark McAlister as new members. We hope they continue to enjoy their shooting with us. We welcome new members who are SAFE and not idiots. If you know someone who wishes to join who is safe and sensible, then please do ask them to join us. MEMBERSHIP FEES The membership fee will be held at £30 to allow our members to be members of other clubs and enjoy the TCRA shoots on an ad hoc basis. Markers who mark for the TCRA may join for £10 – no admin fee. Due to the popularity of the club, the one off “joining” fee for all future applications will be £90 for all new applications with effect from 15.11.2019 . All pending applications will be at the old price. RANGE FEES The club has very limited funds, and so all ranges must be prepaid in advance. All payments are non refundable. If a member decides not to shoot, the fee will not be repaid. If the club can fill that member’s space, then any extra funds will go to the club to make up losses on days that we lose money. TO CONCLUDE And that’s all from me now. I hope to see you on the ranges as soon as possible. Oh and if anyone wants a rifle I have the following for sale M1 Garand Lantac Ar15 Reminton 700 custom build 308 (20 inch barrel) TCRA SHOOT CALENDER Visitors holding an FAC/SSC may join all competitions for a £7.00 Surcharge. January Fri 3rd January ALL DISTANCES PRACTICE 24th January Orion Long Range Field Fire shoot February Saturday 1st February ALL DISTANCES PRACTICE March Saturday March 21st Historic Global League COMPETITION PNG Sh oot! Sunday March 22nd Hesketh Prichard Sniper COMPETITION May Saturday 9th May SERVICE RIFLE SHOOT COMPETITION Sunday 10th May Historic Global League COMPETITION Fri 22 May to Sun 24 May Phoenix Weekend June JUNE 4th/5th RICHARD UTTING SHOOT-LIMITED TO 4 JUNE 12th LONG RANGE SHOOT TO BE CONFIRMED August AUGUST 7th ORION LONG RANGEFIELD SHOOT SUNDAY SEPT 20th HISTORIC GLOBAL LEAGUE COMPETITION October SAT 3rd OCT AM practice PRACTICE November Friday 6th November All distances practice PRACTICE Copyright © 2019 Trans Continental Shooting, All rights reserved. TCRA |