Lee Enfield Rifle Association of Australia Inc. (LERAA) are a group of enthusiastic Lee Enfield shooters and collectors dedicated to the preservation, restoration and safe shooting of the Lee Enfield series of rifles and their variants. LERAA is a licenced Target shooting club, Hunting club and Collectors club incorporated in New South Wales.
We maintain close relationships with Lee Enfield Rifle Association UK (LERA) and Lee Enfield Rifle Association Suid Afrika (LERASA) and a growing number of Ranges and Shooting clubs. This global group provides us with access to many like minded people who have a similar passion.
LERAA strongly promotes regular shooting competition. Target shooting is one of the oldest organised sports in Australia. Records date back to the British Marines at Sydney Cove in 1788. The Victorian Rifle Association (VRA) was formed in 1860. One of the most important adjuncts to the militia system from 1903 to the re-organisation of 1912 was the role played by the Rifle Club movement in Australia. At the time, these clubs were seen as the reservoir of manpower for a potential guerrilla force should any invasion occur. For Australia, the invasion fear was uppermost in the minds of the population. So important were the rifle clubs for the defence of Australia that the Commonwealth provided the training staff, rifles and ammunition so the clubs could function. Members were drilled, wore uniforms and practised all the basic skills of soldiering as well as target shooting.
We love to talk about them, but we really enjoy using them and we welcome you to join us. We gather for a full weekend six-seven times a year at Rankins Springs Target Shooting Complex. Our members and families camp, socialise, share and shoot; creating a unique experience in some beautiful Australian landscapes.