2022 “The 303” Prize

Rankin Springs Target Shooting Complex.
Here for directions.

Here for details

All Matches will be at 200yards

Course of Fire:

MATCH 1 Slowfire (Fixed Bayonet) Bayonet will be provided

Position: Standing Unsupported
Shots: 2 Non convertible sighters and 10 to count.
Timing: 45 seconds per shot.
HPS: 50
Target Details: Modified Fig 11 on screen
a. Hit on the inner band 5 points.
b. Hit on the outer band 4 points
c. Remainder of the target 2 points

(1) The firers will be squadded two per target. One will fire whilst the other scores, Firers will then change over.
(2) Non convertible sighting shots will be inspected prior to 10 consecutive rounds
(3) After clearing of rifles Firers will accompany the RO and scorer to the targets for inspection

MATCH 2 Snap Shooting in the Attack

Position: Kneeling unsupported
Shots: 10 to count.
Timing: 10 exposures of 3 seconds with irregular intervals of 5-15 seconds, indicated via whistle
HPS: 50
Target Details: Modified fig 12 Target
a. Hit on the inner band 5 points.
b. Hit on the outer band 4 points

1. Targets will be attached following the previous practice. Firers will load 10 rounds and make ready at the order of watch and shoot.
2. At the indication of the whistle/siren 3 second intervals will be allowed per shot with one round per indication.
3. On completion of the shoot Firers will accompany the RO and scorer to inspect and clear targets
4. The firing of more than one shot for any exposure will result in penalty points

MATCH 3 Rapid

Position: Prone Unsupported
Shots: 10 to count.
Timing: One exposure of 60 Seconds
HPS: 50
Target Details: Modified Fig 11 on screen
a. Hit on the inner band 5 points.
b. Hit on the outer band 4 points

1. The firer is to be in the standing alert position rifle loaded bolt forward on an empty chamber safety catch applied. (Standing alert position both feet flat on the ground butt in the shoulder rifle pointing towards the ground at 45° observing to your front).
2. At the indication (whistle/siren) the firer is to adopt the prone position supported position and engage the target with 10 rounds.
3. On completion the Firer will accompany the scorer to the target to score and patch.

MATCH 4 Slowfire

Position: Prone unsupported.
Shots: 2 Non convertible sighters and 10 to count.
Timing: max. 45 seconds per shot.
HPS: 50
Target Details: 1914 NRA Tin Hat Target
a. Within the Central V bull 5 points.
b. Hit in the Bull inner 5 points
c. Additional as per std targets

1. Two non convertible sighters will be fired and inspected prior to the main event

MATCH 5 Kneeling (Bayonet Fixed)

Position: Kneeling Unsupported
Shots: 2 Non convertible sighters and 10 to count.
Timing: max. 45 seconds per shot.
HPS: 40
Target Details: Second Class Figure Target
a. Hit on the figure 4 points.
b. Hit in the 24 in circle 3 points
c. Hit in the 36 in circle 2 points
d. Remainder of the target 1 point

1. The firers will be squadded two per target. One will fire whilst the other scores, Firers will then change over.
2. Non convertible sighting shots will be inspected prior to 10 consecutive rounds
3. After clearing of rifles Firers will accompany the RO and scorer to the targets for inspection

MATCH 6 Rapid
Position: Prone Unsupported.
Shots: 10 to count.
Timing: One exposure of 45 Seconds (whistle designated)
HPS: 40
Target Details: 4ft Convertible Landscape Target
a. Bull 12 in circle 4 points.
b. Inner 24 in circle 3 points
c. Magpie 36 in circle 2 points
d. Outer 48 in circle 1 point

1. The firer is to be in the standing alert position rifle loaded bolt forward on an empty chamber safety catch applied. (Standing alert position both feet flat on the ground butt in the shoulder rifle pointing towards the ground at 45° observing to your front).
2. At the indication (whistle) the firer is to adopt the prone position supported position and engage the target with 10 rounds.
3. On completion the Firer will accompany the scorer to the target to score and patch.

Classification of shooting classes
All rifles will be scrutineered and classified by LERAA. Classifications are in relation to “as issued” specifications. Any target/ modified/ accurised/ rifle will be designated as “All Comer”. Scrutineers decision is final. Contact Secretary@leraa.com if you have concerns or questions.

CLASSIC: SMLE/MLE or any Enfield .303 designed before 1919

OTHER: No4 No5 P14 or any Enfield .303 designed after 1919

ALL COMERS: (Welcome to shoot but are not included in the competition or prize) Any Enfield Service rifle manufactured after 1946 and before 1955
Any bolt action/straight pull Historic Service rifle manufactured before 1946.