The ANZAC consists of a single Course of Fire with two competitions. For all LERAA members and visitors the highest score of the shoot will be presented with “The ANZAC” perpetual trophy. The LERAA ANZAC tag event ( LERAA members only) for “as issued” SMLE chambered in .303 British will be contested on the first day of the shoot. The shoot is dedicated to the ANZACs who answered the call and continue to answer the call
“Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives … You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours … You, the mothers who sent their sons from faraway countries, wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.” Ataturk
The rifles for “The ANZAC” trophy will be “as issued” MLE and SMLE chambered in .303. Other rifles may participate but shall be excluded from the ANZAC Trophy. Further details regarding the scrutineering will be issued in the Shoot Notice which will be posted online and also emailed to all registered shooters. All rifles and ammunition shall be submitted for scrutineering prior to commencement and all judgements by the LERAA Scrutineer/Range Officer is final.
Period headwear and accoutrements are highly encouraged.
Day 1
1.The Bombardment
Distance: 300 yards
Position: Prone with sandbags (use optional)
No. of Shots: 2 sighting shots (scored) & 10 to count
Targets: Tin Hat
Scoring: scored individually
Timing: in your own time
HPS 50
1. Competitors will when ordered, fire 2 sighting shots from any position, with optional use of sandbags, each shot to be individually marked . On completion of the sighting shots, competitors will nominate to keep or cut sighters then be ordered to adopt the prone position and then make ready. Seconds to signal readiness to RO
2. On the command ‘Watch and shoot’ competitors commence fire.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for each round
2. Landing On The Beach
Distance: 300 yards
Position: Prone (bayonets fixed)
No. of Shots: 2 sighting shots (not scored) & 10 to count
Targets: Landscape
Scoring: other than sighters, shots are not marked and score is tallied at end of practice. Markers to communicate total score of each target to mound
Timing: in your own time
HPS 40
1. Competitors will be ordered to fix bayonets and then fire 2 sighting shots from any position, each shot to be individually marked. The RO will instruct the rifles to be loaded with 10 rounds, make ready and adopt the prone position. Seconds to signal readiness to RO
2. On the command ‘Watch and Shoot’ Competitors will fire 10 rounds in own time (max 45 seconds per shot)
3. Rifles cleared and bayonets removed
4. Target totals will be communicated to the firing point at end of each practice
3. Up the Cliffs
Distance: 300 yards -200yds walk
Position: Kneeling
No. of Shots: 10 shots to count, 10 rounds in 2x chargers.
Targets: Bacon Strip
Scoring: Shots are not marked and score is tallied at end of practice. Markers to communicate total score of each target to mound
Timing: 60 seconds Rapid
HPS 40
1. Competitors/Seconds will be ordered to walk downrange in line to the 200 yard mound The RO will instruct the rifles to be loaded with 10 rounds with Chargers, make ready and adopt the kneeling position. Seconds to signal readiness to RO
2. On the raising of targets, Competitors will fire 10 rounds within 60 seconds
3. Rifles cleared
4. Target totals will be communicated to the firing point at end of each practice
Retire to the GHQ for debrief, tea and medals

Day 2.
4. Quinn’s Post
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Prone
No. of Shots: 10 to count
Targets: Fig. 12
Scoring: Shots are not marked and score is tallied at end of practice. Markers to communicate total score of each target to mound
Timing: 10 exposures of 3 seconds
HPS 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to adopt the prone position, load with 10 rounds and make ready. Wait for command ‘Watch and shoot’.
2. There will be 10 exposures of 3 seconds each, with an away time of 5 seconds, over a 6ft frontage. One round to be fired at each exposure.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point
5. Repelling the Counter Attack
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Kneeling
No. of Shots: 10 to count
Targets: Landscape with Hun Bull
Scoring: Shots are not marked and score is tallied at end of practice. Markers to communicate total score of each target to mound
Timing: 60 seconds Rapid
HPS 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to load with 10 rounds, start in at the ready, kneel and bolt closed.
2. On appearance of the target, competitors will fire 10 shots during the exposure.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point
6. The Evacuation
Distance: 200 yards – 300 yds walk
Position: Standing
No. of Shots: 10 to count
Targets: Fig.11
Scoring: Shots are not marked and score is tallied at end of practice. Markers to communicate total score of each target to mound
Timing: In your own time
HPS 50
1. Competitors/Seconds will be ordered to walk up-range in line to the 300 yard mound The RO will instruct the rifles to be loaded with 10 rounds, then adopt the standing alert position (rifle at 45 degrees pointing down). Seconds to signal readiness to RO
2. On the command ‘Watch and Shoot’ Competitors will fire 10 rounds in own time (max 45 seconds per shot)
3. Rifles cleared
4. Target totals will be communicated to the firing point at end of each practice
Match HPS = 280
Retire to the GHQ for tea and medals
Ties will be counted out in the order Practice 6, then 5, 3, 2, 4, 1.
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