Stage 2:
Firing From Cover – Rapid
Distance: 75 yards
Position: Kneeling or squatting around cover, supported or unsupported
No of shots: 10 to count
Targets: 1x Fig 12
Scoring: 5, 4
Timing: 2 exposures of 15 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Firers will start in the patrol position, rifles made safe, at the 100 yard firing point
2. On appearance of the targets firers are to move to the 75 yard firing point, adopt the squatting/kneeling position behind the wall and make ready. When moving down range the rifle must be carried in the trail position.
3. Exposure the targets will make 2 exposures of 15 seconds each with a 15 second interval between exposures. Firers will fire 5 shots during each 15 second exposure at the Fig 11
4. Firers may remain in the aim between exposures
5. At the end of this stage, firers will be ordered to make safe and remain in position
Stage 3:
Distance: 50 yards
Position: Standing and kneeling or squatting
No of shots: 10 to count
Targets: 1x Fig 12
Scoring: 5, 4
Timing: 5 exposures of 6 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Firers will start in the squatting/kneeling position, rifles made safe, at the 75 yard firing point
2. On appearance of the targets firers are to move to the 50 yards firing point, adopt the standing alert position, and make ready. When moving down range the rifle must be carried in the trail position
3. The targets will make 5 exposures of 6 seconds 4. On each exposure of the targets firers are to fire 2 rounds at the fig 11. The first shot must be from the standing position, and the second from the kneeling or squatting position
5. There will be an irregular interval of between 7 and 10 seconds between each series
6. Firers must return to the standing alert position between exposures
7. At the end of this stage, firers will be ordered to make safe and remain in position
Stage 4:
Long Range Match
Sitting, Kneeling or Squatting
Distance: 400 yards
Position: Sitting, kneeling or squatting
No of shots: 10 to count
Targets: Triple Fig 11
Scoring: 5 on the outer targets for a hit inside the 300mm circle, 4 elsewhere on the outer target, and 2 for a hit anywhere on the inner target. Only the 5 highest scoring shots will count on each of the outer targets
Timing: 1 exposure of 15 seconds and 4 exposures of 6 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Firers will adopt the standing alert position, rifles loaded, made ready with safety catches applied
2. On appearance of the targets, firers will adopt the sitting, kneeling or squatting position and fire 1 round at the left and 1 round at the right targets during each exposure
3. There will be an irregular interval between exposures of between 5 and 20 seconds
4. Firers may remain in the firing position between exposures
5. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds