This is a service rifle competition open to all shooters with access to a 200 yard range and historic rifles. The competition should be shot under safe range conditions
Fig 12 or equivalent at 200 yds. If such targets are illegal or unavailable, a blank target of the same size may be used with a central bull measuring 30 cm / 11.8” (see final page for measurements for creating an adapted Fig 12 target)
Fig 12: 5 for hits within the 30 cm / 11.8 “ circle (the big / outer circle), 4 elsewhere on target (shots touching or breaking any lines marking the overall borders of the target face count as scoring shots).
A minimum of 54 rounds are required to complete the match. Competitors supply their own ammunition and are advised to bring reserve rounds in case a reshoot is required.
FIRING POSITIONS Prone, sitting, kneeling and standing. Shooters with disabilities / injuries who have difficulty with a particular position can agree a compromise position with the approved RO, as long as the compromise position does not provide an advantage. For example: can’t kneel – shoot standing. If difficult getting down in time, be allowed to start in the final position (ie start prone, rather than go to prone from standing alert) – BUT shooter to only aim when other shooters are in position and taking aim.
SR (a) – Service Rifle Class AA service rifle as issued by any government prior to 1952 and used without any unauthorised alterations or additions.
An as issued 1937 pattern sling attached to the butt swivel and the upper band swivel. The sling may be used for steadying the rifle and may be placed round one arm and/or wrist but not round any other part of the body. For Veteran Optic Class only, the US M1907 Pattern sling is permitted and may be used either as a two point, using the central sling swivel or with its integral loop.
Classic, Veteran and All Comers: no artificial rests/support may be used other than the sling. Veteran Optic: a sandbag or similar should be provided to support the forward hand/wrist in the prone position only. There must be no contact whatsoever between the rifle and the sandbag or the ground.
No padded shooting gloves are allowed.
Shooting jackets: No shooting jackets are permitted.
Back sight:
An as issued back sight must be used. The wind gauge, if any, must be set centrally.
A blade foresight, which may be undercut.
Classic (SMLE), Veteran (Nos 4 and 5) and All-comers (Iron): aim off. Veteran Optic and All-comers (Optic): adjust windage sight.
May be blackened, but nothing may be affixed for shading hem.
Trigger pull:
Minimum of 4.5lbs

Distance: 200 yards
Position: Prone
No. of Shots: 2 sighting shots, plus 10 to count
Targets: 1 x Fig 12
Scoring: 5 for hits within the outer (30 cm) circle, 4 elsewhere on target
Timing: 1 exposure of 60 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Competitors will have 2 minutes to fire 2 sighting shots. each shot to be individually marked back. On completion of the sighting shots, competitors will be ordered to stand up and load with 10 rounds, make ready and apply safety catches, then adopt the standing alert position (rifle in the shoulder, pointing down at 45 degrees). Wait for command ‘Watch out watch out’.
2. On appearance of the target, competitors will assume the prone position, release safety catches, and fire 10 rounds within the allotted time. In the case of fixed targets, the exposure will be indicated by a whistle indicating start and end of exposures.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 25 seconds. In the case of fixed targets, targets will be inspected and scored when the range is made safe.
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Prone, sitting or kneeling behind 3 piled sandbags
No. of Shots: 10 to count
Targets: 1 x Fig 12
Scoring: 5 for hits within the outer (30 cm) circle, 4 elsewhere on target
Timing: 3 exposures of 25 seconds each
HPS: 50
1. Competitors will load with 5 rounds, apply safety catches and assume the standing alert position (rifle in the shoulder, pointing down at 45 degrees). On the command ‘Watch out watch out’, they will adopt the sitting, kneeling or prone position (dependant on the height of the sandbags).
2. There will be 3 exposures each of 25 seconds, with 5 seconds away. As many rounds may be fired at each at each exposure up to a maximum of 10. In the case of fixed targets, the exposure will be indicated by a whistle indicating start and end of exposures.
3. Competitors must reload with a further 5 rounds at any stage in the practice in any manner they see fit ie load all 5, or 2 or 1 round etc.
4. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds. In the case of fixed targets, targets will be inspected and scored when the range is made safe.
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Prone
No. of shots: 10 to count
Targets: 1 x Fig 12
Scoring: 5 for hits within the outer (30 cm) circle, 4 elsewhere on target
Timing: 10 exposures of 3 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Competitors will be ordered to adopt the prone position, load with 8 rounds and make ready, with safety catches applied. On the command ‘Watch and shoot’, release safeties.
2. There will be 10 exposures of 3 seconds each, with an away time of 5 seconds, with the target moving randomly over a 6ft frontage. One round to be fired at each exposure. In the case of fixed targets, the exposure will be indicated by a whistle indicating start and end of exposures.
3. Competitors must reload with the remaining 2 rounds (making 10 fired in total) at any stage during the practice.
4. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds. In the case of fixed targets, targets will be inspected and scored when the range is made safe.
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Kneeling/Squatting/Sitting
No. of shots: 10 to count
Targets: 1 x Figure 12
Scoring: 5 for hits within the outer (30 cm) circle, 4 elsewhere on target
Timing: 2 exposures of 25 seconds, 10 seconds away time
HPS: 50
1. Competitors will load with 5 rounds, apply safety catches, and adopt the standing alert position. On the command ‘Watch out watch out’, they will adopt the kneeling, squatting or sitting position, release safety catches, and when the target appears, fire as many rounds as desired. In the case of fixed targets, the exposure will be indicated by a whistle indicating start and end of exposures.
2. When the targets turn away for 10 seconds, shooters must reload with a further 5 rounds.
3. Targets will make a second exposure of 25 seconds: competitors fire their remaining rounds (10 in total).
4. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
Distance: 200 yards
Position: Prone, bayonets fitted
No. of Shots: 2 sighters and 10 to count
Targets: Figure 12
Scoring: 5 for hits within the outer (30 cm) circle, 4 elsewhere on target
Timing: 1 exposure of 70 seconds
HPS: 50
1. Competitors will fix bayonets and assume the prone position before firing up to 2 sighters in 2 minutes, each individually marked back. On completion of sighters, they will stand up and when so commanded, load with 5 rounds, make ready and apply safety catches, then adopt the standing alert position (rifle in shoulder, pointing down at 45 degrees). Wait for command ‘Watch out watch out’.
2. On appearance of the target, competitors will adopt the prone position, release safety catches and fire 5 shots, then reload and fire a further 5 rounds during the exposure. In the case of fixed targets, the exposure will be indicated by a whistle indicating start and end of exposures.
3. Scores will be communicated to the firing point and spotting discs shown for 30 seconds.
Match HPS = 250
Ties will be counted out in the order Practice 5, then 3, 2, 4, 1.