The original, long out of print “The Broad Arrow” has been selling for exorbitant prices in used bookshops and forums for the past years. It is a great relief for those who look for useful reference material, not an investment piece, that Ian has released an updated version ” The Broad Arrow Mk2″
‘The BROAD ARROW Mk 2’ Skennerton British & Empire Factory Production, Proof, Inspection, Armourers, Unit & Issue Markings. 11 x 8¾ in., 162 pp, 120+ illust., 2020. ISBN 0 949749 43 5. Thousands of service markings illustrated, for rifles, muskets, pistols, edged weapons, &c. Invaluable reference on unit markings, for medal collectors too. Limp cover, colour plates. Presentation hard cover numbered edition of 303 copies available too. Paperback US$50.00 A$66.00, Presentation Hard Cover US$ $80 A$99.00 |
Orders are now being processed manually, please forward your order to Ian at: : Visa & MasterCard accepted. Ian’s webpage
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