Range Commands

In re-writing the range commands we decided to take on some of the NRA commands for a number of reasons.

1. They were already available and we did not have to re-invent them

2. they were a good fit for CSR and Historic CSR competitions

3. seeing them in action and experiencing the commands made sense with safety being the focus for all involved.

You will also notice that Safey Seconds no longer clear the rifle, It is the responsibility of the rifle man/woman to clear their rifle and show “clear” to the safety second and Range officer. Safety seconds can monitor and remind the rifleman/woman what they need to do.

As a result of the research and discussion amongst the executive we are finalising the update of these commands. The final copies will be printed for you and supplied at the shoots. Please keep a copy in your range box

CommandContextAction required
Detail Dress to The LineNo competitors are to place any equipment on the firing point until called forward by the RO. Please wait with the safety second until called forward.Competitors are to move onto the firing point with all the equipment and ammunition they need for the stage.
LoadThis order is given before a stage starts and may include an instruction to only load a certain number of rounds.The magazine maybe loaded either by charger or single feed
Make ReadyThis order is given immediately before a stage starts.Competitors are to ensure that their rifle is pointing down range at the stop butt and chamber a round by operating the bolt. The safety catch is to be applied immediately after closing the bolt.
Call “Is anyone not ready”This call is made just before the detail is to startIf you are not ready indicate to your second be saying “not ready”, the safety second is to call ‘Not Ready: (loudly). Their will be a pause until the competitor is ready. A second is anyone not ready will be called after and the competition will resume
Watch and Shoot (No Movement Required)This order is given when competitors are in the appropriate firing position before the targets appearCompetitors may disengage the safety catch and wait for the target to appear or the whistle to blow.
What out, watch out (Movement before firing)This order is given when competitors must move to the appropriate firing position after the targets appear and release safety catches before firingOn appearance of the targets (or whistle) competitors move to the appropriate firing position take aim on their target and only then disengage the safety catch before commencing firing.
UnloadThis order is given at the end of a stage but may be ordered at any time by the RO as required.On command competitors are to remove any live rounds, remove the bolt then check the chamber is clear.
Show ClearOrder is given after the unload call from the range officerCheck the chamber is clear and confirm it is clear with a safety second. A breech flag is then to be inserted, and the firer is to raise their hand to indicate they are clear. Leave your hand up until dressed off the line.

LERAA Rules and Range book: We are currently working on a copy for the LERAA Rules, Range Commands and COFs that will be printed in a booklet for all to have. This will be available to all LERAA members and should be referred to before each shoot, during the shoot along with the calendar.